Online Store Certificate – Valued Shops
Online Store Certificate
The online store certificate is a label to obtain more transparency and security in the e-commerce market. They check whether their members comply with the legislation and that they publish all important information in a clear way on their online store. You as a customer evaluate these members so that we know how they work in practice. By doing so, the online stores are evaluated by you as well as by us. Double security! They also use Mystery Shoppers. These shoppers follow the path of a customer and observe the quality, service and respect of the promises of the online store.
Members of the Valued Shops Certificate guarantee you:
✓ Official address data verification
✓ Visibility of contact information such as phone numbers, email, CCI and address
✓ Compliance with the 15-day cooling-off period
✓ Refund of your money within 15 days after return
✓ Clear display of sales prices
✓ The Online Store Certificate Association negotiates in case of disputes or makes a binding judgment via
✓ The publication of real comments shared by customers on the web store
✓The e-shop has ratified the code of conduct of the online store certificate
For more information about the Online Store Certificate, visit